09/12/19 18:40
Hash 2283 15/02/2025 @15.00
Hare: Sasha & Jonny
Start & Après: the car park by the ponds on Duboislaan, by the restaurant now called PLEK (formerly the Sonian).
Nearest transport: Groenendaal Station
Hash 2282 22/02/2025 @15.00
Hare: Terrance
Start & Après: Tervuren Park - the car park immediately beside the Tram 44 Terminus
Nearest transport: Bus or Tram 44 (beware they are using a bus service from Montgomery while tracks
are being re-laid). Plenty of parking for the cyclists at the terminus and possibly the car park
where we will meet at the start.
Future Dates: if you have not set a Hash in recent weeks/months please volunteer
to lay or co-lay a Hash as soon as… these dates are available!!!
February full
March 1 available
March 8 available
March 15 Katie & Wim
all other Saturdays in 2025 available !
Hash 2283 15/02/2025 @15.00
Hare: Sasha & Jonny
Start & Après: the car park by the ponds on Duboislaan, by the restaurant now called PLEK (formerly the Sonian).
Nearest transport: Groenendaal Station
Hash 2282 22/02/2025 @15.00
Hare: Terrance
Start & Après: Tervuren Park - the car park immediately beside the Tram 44 Terminus
Nearest transport: Bus or Tram 44 (beware they are using a bus service from Montgomery while tracks
are being re-laid). Plenty of parking for the cyclists at the terminus and possibly the car park
where we will meet at the start.
Future Dates: if you have not set a Hash in recent weeks/months please volunteer
to lay or co-lay a Hash as soon as… these dates are available!!!
February full
March 1 available
March 8 available
March 15 Katie & Wim
all other Saturdays in 2025 available !