December 2019

On-On Sec - Jonathan Nutter - for information about the BruH3

Web Master - Julian Rummins

Web Madame - Katie Challans - for contributions, write-ups, photos, etc

In case you are wondering what the BruH3 rules are….

Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and in particular Articles 18, 21 and 23 thereof,
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union and in particular Articles 2, 3 and 5 thereof,
Having regard to the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and in particular Articles 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 thereof,
Having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (1),
Having regard to all emails from RiteOnSec (2),

Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Rule 1 (henceforth known as ‘No Rules’) of the BH3 constitution  (3),

(1) Hashing was founded in Kuala Lumpur in 1938 at the Selangor Sports Club. After sweating out the excesses of the weekend, the group (only male in those days) sought sustenance at the Hash House. Hence the name. Credit for launching what is now a world-wide activity goes to Albert Stephen Ignatius Gispert. Of Spanish/Catalan background, he was born in Brockley, South East London in 1903 – there is a monument to the family in the local cemetery. He was killed in the battle of Singapore during the Japanese invasion in February 1942.
(2) The Brussels Hash House Harriers was founded in November 1980 by Simon Lunn, with help from John Robinson and Ron Soriano, after Simon had come across hashing while on secondment in Washington.
(3) The Hash believes in the equality of all participants irrespective of athletic ability. Its activities are based on the following values: pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men.
(4) The Hash is committed to promoting physical exercise, mental well-being, support networks, a sense of adventure, social contacts and sensible drinking and to tackling obesity, smoking, global warming and poseurs.
(5) The principles of subsidiarity and proportionality leave each Hash free to organise its own practices.
(6) The Hash believes in free movement except over private property, clearly marked conservation areas, motorways or dangerous terrain.
(7) The Hash is fun, inclusive and non-competitive.
(8) The Hash is based on three pillars. Prior: careful recceing and laying of the trail. During: running/jogging or walking the trail while calling “On On” when finding flour and “Checking” when looking for it. Après: replenishing the body and socialising.
(9) The Hash meets every Saturday of the year, in all weather conditions, in different locations. It gathers at 3pm, but NEVER leaves before 3.10pm.
(10)       All EU nationals, third country citizens with settled status and visitors are welcome, provided they behave themselves, contribute to the bonhomie and organise their share of trails and après.
(11)       Hashes should all have a write-up. In exceptional circumstances when there are two or more trail layers and especially when the hash splits in two like an amoeba, there can be more than one write-up (see Rule 1).
(12)       In honour of one of BH3’s most loyal members, Bertie Johnston, write-ups should include Berties (😊 or ☹). These refer to the weather, not to the quality of the hash (that would be a recipe for disaster). Bertie first drew our attention many years ago to the fact that far more often than not it does not rain on Saturday afternoons in and around Brussels between 3-5pm, even if there is heavy precipitation earlier or later in the day. Data from BH3’s semi-comprehensive meteorological recordings confirm the Bertie theory.

BruH3 protects your personal information:
You have chosen to give us personal information for the purposes of informing others about BruH3 events. We only keep your personal information for as long as necessary to provide these membership services. Your information will be deleted as soon as the event is past.
No information will be given to a third party.